The most common definition is a combination of risk factors mainly: high blood sugar, extra abdomen fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar from insulin resistance and unhealthy cholesterol.
- Cholesterol: High Triglycerides >150, Low Good Cholesterol (HDL) <40 for MEN < 50 FEMALE
- Fasting Blood Sugar 100 mg /dL
- Hypertension BP >130/>85
Insulin Resistance
What is Insulin: We all hear of insulin or read about it, Insulin is a hormone that helps our body use glucose (a simple sugar that breaks down from eating carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta etc). In Metabolic Syndrome insulin resistance can lead to Diabetes and it is connected to excess weight around the abdomen commonly known as belly fat.
First of all there is a difference between being overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity. Obesity is determined by the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated by measuring weight and height. In metabolic syndrome abdominal obesity is a commonly known factor that puts those with belly fat at high risk for morbid obesity.
BMI Values:
Underweight – BMI <18.5, Ideal Weight – BMI 24.9, Overweight – BMI 25 -29.9,
Obesity BMI >30
Class 1 Morbid obesity – BMI 30 to <35,
Class 2 -BMI 35 <40,
Class 3: BMI >40 or Higher

Unhealthy Lifestyle
Poor food choices that is high in unhealthy processed foods and lack of adequate exercise.
Hormonal Imbalance
What is a Hormone? Why are hormones important?
Generally, these are chemical substances produced by the body in the endocrine gland that the blood carries to organs and tissues. The common problem on metabolic syndrome is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), PCOS affects fertility which is associated to hormonal imbalance and metabolic syndrome.
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What are the Risk Factors?
Just to name a few examples…
- Age matters!
If you are: 20s – 30s Risk 20%, >40 yr 35% Risk, >50 Risk 45%, > 60 Risk 50%
- Susceptibility to inflammation and blood clots
- Existing risk factors such as PCOS, Fatty Liver, Elevated bad cholesterol low good cholesterol, Gallstones and Lipodystrophy (abnormal way how body uses or stores body fat).
- Genetic susceptibility such as being South Asian which populations are at risk for insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
- Waistline in Men >35 and Women >32
- BMI >30
- Poor Diet and Lack of adequate exercise
- Hypertension Bp >135 / >85
- Insulin Resistance
Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome
They are no symptoms because you can’t feel high blood pressure, Insulin Resistance, high cholesterol, etc.
What Do Need to Do to Find Out About Metabolic Syndrome and Risk Factors?
Consult your Primary Care Provider start with basics know your weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, waist girth, etc.
Take Away
Get to know your body and what you can do to maintain and improve your health status.