Weight Management
Excess weight gain is a major international public health problems and Americans are among the heaviest people in the world. The prevalence of obesity in the United States has continued to increase over time, and data suggest the same is true in many other countries as well. Many people find that although they initially lose weight by dieting, they quickly regain the weight after the diet ends. Because it so hard to keep weight off over time, it is important to have as much information and support as possible before starting a weight loss plan.
You are most likely to be successful in losing weight and keeping it off when you believe that your body weight can be controlled. While it can be challenging to make the lifestyle, changes needed to lose weight and improve your health, if you set goals and commit to them, you can be successful, especially if you develop a long-term relationship with a knowledgeable, supportive health care provider. Our program offers education, meal plans, coaching, and medications to help suppress your appetite. The goal to assist you on your journey to a healthy life.